This section is of seminal interest as it carves out the process through which Gandhi reached out to people to mobilize the force that eventually drove an entire colonial power of longstanding out of the country. The essential emphasis here being that the force was top downwards – from Gandhi to grassroots
As is true of many public personalities who become legends, Gandhi's impact on people through their perception of Gandhi had created a universe whose sum of the parts essentially became greater than the sum of the whole. Part of the unintended consequences included, for instance, the creation of a Gandhian language itself.
Gandhi's thought process as a solution (Satyagraha/Non-Violence) to political crisis is considered unique and yet universal as it taps into two essential human traits – those of resistance and cooperation - and turning these into instruments of a struggle. Albeit invoking the reverse of what is humanly expected, viz., resistance not leading (rather than) to violence.
Gandhi's impact can be seen in at least three ways: (1) through those who were inspired by Gandhi; (2) those who influenced Gandhi (Tolstoy, John Ruskin, etc.,), and notably became icons to be followed by many others, at least in India; and (3) through the iconic relationships that Gandhi forged through his lifelong interactions with people
Gandhi was a champion of cleanliness. His experience of living in the west taught him the importance of maintaining clean surroundings, and also about the dignity of labor. He felt that Indians fell short of maintaining clean spaces, although great stress was laid by them of personal cleanliness as part of ritual purity.
The treatment of data here allows information to be rearranged according to time, place or events, thus manipulating the data to take the shape one intends for it to take.